Индивидуальные экскурсии и туры по Санкт-Петербургу
экскурсии, туры, программы в Петербурге +7 (921) 953-32-18, neva009@mail.ru
Excursions and sightseeing tours in Saint-Petersburg Russia

Excursions and sightseeing tours
in Saint-Petersburg Russia 2024

 Excursions for individual tourists and small groups in St.Petersburg.
Rates for individual tours and excursions in St.Petersburg and suburbs 2024.

Write your request by email neva009@mail.ru or WhatsApp +7921 926 1974.
We will answer all your questions quickly.


Excursions / Prices
for tours
in English, German, French, Italian languages.

Cost of tour per 1 person, Rub.
For 2 persons For 3 persons For 4 persons  For 5 persons For 6-7 persons For 8-9 persons For 10 persons

Excursions across St.-Petersburg, excursions to museums
(personal language guide service + personal transport + entrance tickets)

The sightseeing tour
across St.-Petersburg
3 hours

8 200 

9 000

11 000 

12 000

12 600

13 200

14 500 

Sightseeing tour
Petersburg and bridges”
3 hours

10 000

11 000

12 000

13 000

14 000

15 000

16 000 

Museums excursions
(Hermitage, or Russian museum+
Church of the Savior on Blood,  
or St-Isaak’s cathedral +
Jusupovsky palace, or Peter
and Paul Fortress + Cruiser "Aurora") 2,5 hours

10 800

12 000

15 600 

16 500

17 700

19 200 

21 500 

Rivers and Canals
of the city
(boat trip with audio guide) 1 hour
7 languages :

reed more

3 200

4 800

6 400

8 000

9 600

12 800

16 000

Tours to suburban emperors residences
(personal language guide service + personal transport + entrance tickets)


Cost of tour per 1 person, Rub.
For 2 persons For 3 persons For 4 persons For 5 persons For 6persons For 8persons For 10 persons

(The Big palace, 
park and fountains)
5 hours

17 800

21 000

27 200

30 000

31 800

35 600

39 000 


Tsarskoye Selo (Pushkin)
(The Ekaterininsky palace,
 Amber room and park) are
Pavlovsk (Pavlovsk palace
and park) 
5 hours

15 600

17 400

22 200

24 000

26 400

29 600

34 000 

 Tsarskoye Selo + Peterhof
(The Ekaterininsky palace, 
Amber room, Big palace
(Small palace), parks
 and fountains) 7,5 hours

23 400

26 400

34 000

37 000

40 200

46 400

53 000 

Tsarskoye Selo + Pavlovsk
(The Ekaterininsky palace, Amber
room, Pavlovsk palace
and parks), 7,5 hours

22 800

26 100

33 600

36 500

39 600

45 600

52 000 

Tours «St.-Petersburg + suburban emperors residences»
(personal language guide service + personal transport + entrance tickets)

 St.-Petersburg “One day”
(The sightseeing tour across St.-
Petersburg, museum excursion, suburban - Tsarskoye
Selo or Peterhof”, 
boat trip

29 200

35 100

44 400

52 000

55 800

63 200

70 500

 St.-Petersburg “Two days and 6 excursions”
(The sightseeing tour  white night'sacross St.-
Petersburg, museum excursion, suburban - Tsarskoye
Selo AND Peterhof”, 
boat trip

38 400

43 200

55 200

60 000

65 400

74 400

84 500

The individual excursions and tours to Saint-Petersburg
is excursion agency (St.-Petersburg, tel: +7 (921) 953 32 18, neva009@mail.ru - e-mail for orders and booking) helping tourists and visitors of St.-Petersburg and providing them with necessary services for this purpose. The mission of the Agency is the visitors and tourists’s assistance to make their travel more interesting, effective and full of pleasant impressions about St.-Petersburg as much as possible.

We organize tours or excursions in different languages.   

English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Czech, Polish and others languages.

Basic services of the Agency for visitors of St.-Petersburg: 
- Assistance in development the travel plan across St.-Petersburg, working out of individual routes of sightseeing tours, offer the ready tours in St.-Petersburg
- Selection of a convenient placement of the hotel in Petersburg and free room reservation
- Transfers from the airports and railway stations of St.-Petersburg, a trip on a city, support
- Information support.

To order an individual excursion or tour to Saint Petersburg it is necessary to send a request by mail  neva009@mail.ru  or send your massage by WhatsApp +7921 926 1974 . Inform us about your suggestions for excursions, number of people in your group, date and time, address of your hotel, name and phone/email of contact person. We will make you an offer and we will answer all your questions quickly.


The sightseeing tour across St.-Petersburg is one of the most popular and informative excursions. It’s a great opportunity for you to see the most well-known sights of a city on Neva and receive lots of unforgettable impressions. You will get acquainted with the history of St.-Petersburg, learn how the building and the development of Northern capital developed has begun. You will see the embankments and city bridges, an arrow of Vasilevsky island and the Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Isaak’s Cathedral, the Hermitage and Admiralty Building, Nevsky prospect and Arts Square, the Mikhajlovsky Castle and the Field of Mars, the Summer garden and the Aurora Cruiser, Church of the Savior on Blood, the Kazan Cathedral, Smolnyj Cathedral and many other sights.
The excursion cost includes a  car (min
ibus), entrance tickets enters to the chosen museum and services of the guide. During the excursion the stops where you can make photos of an excellent views, visit a gift shop or a rest-room are provided.


The Hermitage, the Russian museum, the Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Isaak’s Cathedral, Kunstkamera, the Church of the Savior on Blood, the Kazan Cathedral, the Stroganovsky Palace – here a small part of the unique museums which should be visited being in St-Petersburg. You will find out the infinite collections of the Hermitage, such as the treasures of the Russian Crown, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rubens and Rembrandt, Matisse and Van Gogh's masterpieces. During the excursion in Russian museum you will enjoy the canvases Bryullov, Ayvazovsky, Venetsianov, Kuindgy, Ivanov, Vasnetsov, Repin, Serov, Malevich, Shagal and many other World-known painters. 
The excursion cost includes the vehicle entrance tickets to the museums, services of the licensed guide. 


Imperial country palaces and parks will knock you down with their magnificence. Peterhof is a city of fountains, you will not find the analogues to them in the whole world. Tsarskoye Selo with the Ekaterininsky Palace and the Amber room also known as «Russian Versailles». The Gatchina Castle-Palace and park next to it create the illusion of medieval Europe. A palace in Pavlovsk and one of the best landscape parks create the exemplary palace-park ensemble. Kronstadt is a fortified city, a city-port, a marine board of Petersburg and simultaneously a city-museum where tens of the monuments of history, architecture, culture and science were saved.
The excursion cost includes the vehicle  (car/minibus), entrance-tickets to the museums, services of the guide. During the excursion you can make lots of excellent photos, visit a gift shop, a rest-room any time.

Write your request by email neva009@mail.ru or WhatsApp +7921 953 3218. 
We will answer all your questions quickly.

Water excursion by rivers and channels of city’s inner aquatory.
You’ll see rivers and channels, bridges (between them broadest and longest ones, oldest and most dangerous and many others bridges, each of them is unique in its way); world-wide famous views of the city; monuments, cathedrals, squares, parks, big palaces and small old houses – as they look from a water. The excursion gives you an unique opportunity in such a short period of time and with comfort to introduce as into outskirts of the eighteenth century’s city which can demonstrate the simple citizen’s life so as into ‘The Window To The Europe”, The Pride of Russian Czars. The great city from the different sights – diamonds and ashes of Russian history.
Description of the route: from Anichkov Bridge – down by Fontanka river – through Kryukov channel – up by Moika river to Winter channel – by Winter channel to Neva – up by Neva river to Prachechny bridge – and from Prachechny bridge to Anichkov one.

Saint Petersburg water excursion “Parade Neva”.
Neva is the heart of Saint Petersburg, its center and the origin of power and fame. And this is no wonder that most majestic buildings of our city are bound up with water. If you didn’t see how The Northern Capital looks from water surface you didn’t see Petersburg at all. Winter Palace and Menshikov Palace, Bronze Horseman monument and The Summer Garden, Peter and Paul Fortress and The Admiralty, Kunstkammer and The Stock Exchange Building, The Rostral Columns and the battle cruiser “Aurora” – all this and many more sights you can admire from the best point, from Neva river, that’s allowing to see both gala splendour of walls and wide open space of city’s range, to feel the smell of river wind and enjoyment in city far from city’s bustle. The excursion is attended by a professional guide.
From Anichkov bridge – up by Fontanka river – along the right bank of Neva down to Troizky bridge – Kronwerk channel – along the right bank of Neva down to Blagoveschensky bridge – up by Neva river along the left bank to Prachechny bridge – and from Prachechny bridge to Anichkov one.

You can order an excursion or a walk along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg on an individual boat.

Write your request by email neva009@mail.ru or WhatsApp +7921 953 3218. 
We will answer all your questions quickly.

individual excursions to Saint-Petersburgw
St.-Petersburg, Russia
tel: +7 (921) 953 32 18,
e-mail: neva009@mail.ru




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